Sugar Gliders

Sydney, Prim and Roo are three Sugar Gliders. They are marsupials native to Australia, meaning that the babies develop inside a pouch on the outside of the mother’s belly. They look a lot like flying squirrels since they have the same membranes of skin, called a patagium, on either side of their body which allow them to glide from tree to tree.

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Tiger Salamander

This is Tigger the Tiger Salamander. Tiger salamanders are common in many parts of the United States and are one of the largest salamanders, growing up to a foot in length.

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African Bullfrog

This is Jabba the African Bullfrog. They are the second largest bullfrog in the world and are also called the Pixie frog because of their Latin name. They spend most of their lives borrowed under the ground incased in mucus in the hot deserts of Africa until it rains and they come back up.

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African Pygmy Hedgehog

Meet Peter Pan, one of our African Pygmy Hedgehogs.

Hedgehogs are insect eating mammals that are rapidly growing in popularity among all type of pet owners. They are naturally curious, friendly and timid while retaining a facial expression that always appears happy. This tiny little critter usually averages from 6-8 inches in length and has a pointed snout, round (dark) eyes, and unbarbed spines that serve as hair on their sides and backs.

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Scarlet Macaw

Meet Amigo. Our Scarlet Macaw Parrot.

Scarlet macaws are large colorful parrots that live in Central and South America. Scarlets are one of 17 species of macaws and one of the largest Neotropical parrots. The Scarlet Macaw is arguably the most magnificent bird of the parrot family. With their wide strong wings, macaws can reach speeds of 35 miles per hour. They often fly in pairs or small groups and often call to each other in raucous hoarse voices. ...

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Fire-Bellied Toads

Meet Hither, one of our Fire-Bellied Toads.

Fire-bellied toad is a species of frog that can be found in the Europe and Asia. There are 8 species of fire-bellied toad that mainly inhabit China. Fire-bellied toad lives in habitats near or in the water, such as marshes, wetlands, rainforests, lakes, ponds and slow-flowing waters. Main threat to the survival of the fire-bellied toads is habitat loss, which is the reason why Apennine yellow-bellied toad is on the list of endangered species. ...

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Red Tegu

Meet Big Red, our Red Tegu from South Africa.

Red Tegus are found in semi-tropical grasslands and semi-deserts in northern Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil, and Bolivia. Tegus are omnivorous, foraging for a wide range of foods, including fruit, seeds, various arthropods, small vertebrates, carrion, and eggs.

Red Tegus are born a dull reddish brown, color that increases as the tegu matures. Males generally develop their adult coloration at 18 -24 months of age, and the typical adult female coloration is reddish brown ...

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Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches

Hissing cockroaches live in colonies with all ages and both sexes. Males tend to be larger than females and have a pair of horns on their head used to fight other males. When disturbed, this insect emits a loud hiss to startle potential predators. Hissing is also used in mating. The roach creates the sound by forcing air out of its abdominal air holes (called spiracles). The hiss is 90 decibels—equivalent to the sound made by a lawnmower or hair ...

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